Your Creative Year is for you if you are ready to make a commitment to serious headway on your creative practice over twelve months. This program sets you up to trust your unique voice and get it out into the world.



Twelve Months


(paid in full, or in 12 monthly installments of $350/month)


Let’s hop on a free 30-minute consultation to make sure this is the right fit and to schedule your first session!


Your Creative Year is a program that will challenge you to get to the heart of your creative practice and do that thing that you’ve been meaning to get to for years. Write that book. Get on that stage. Own your identity as an artist and make dedicated space in your life for regular creating. If you are ready to make this year your year, I invite you to consider one of my limited openings for this deeply supportive program.

This offering is for you if any of the following apply:
—you are working on a big project that could benefit from a solid year of consistent support
—you are committed to building a regular creative practice with a full year of integration for lasting effect
—you know that monthly goal setting, coaching, and accountability is what you need to level up in your creative practice

Scroll below for more details!


What’s included:



One 90-minute Zoom session to kick off our year together, to clarify your goals and dreams. We start with this longer session to give space to all of the context that is informing your vision for the year ahead. By entering our year together with a clear picture of your unique resources, capacities, and beliefs, we set the course for an exciting and challenging twelve months that will stretch you and also be feasible for you. Who are you as an artist, and what does success look like to you? Our opening session will end with tangible action steps for the coming month.



Eleven 75-minute Zoom sessions, one scheduled for each of the remaining 11 months of the year. These sessions offer helpful conversations, reflections, and prompts as you work on your goals — and starting each month with a coaching session allows you to tackle your big vision at a sustainable pace, setting new action steps each session for the month ahead. Recordings of these sessions are sent to you for ongoing reference.



Email support between sessions, including check-ins, accountability, and prompts/resources tailored to you and your goals. Use this between-session support to keep you on track between your monthly Zoom meetings. You’ll have me in your corner as you build momentum and learn about your process through the cycles of the year. I’m also available for voice message questions and check-ins via the “walkie-talkie” app Voxer for the duration of our year together.


How do you get started? Let’s hop on a free 30-minute consultation to make sure this is the right fit. I look forward to hearing from you!